pristine nature•hand picked selected grapes•old oak•macerated for 40 weeks•matured on fine yeasts for 14 months•seeking for unique terroir and moments
ATIMO brand was born from love to wine and passion for special moments ...

O vinu
Naša filozofija je enostavna: verjamemo, da so najboljše stvari preproste. Tako je za nas tudi grozd popoln sam po sebi in vsebuje vse potrebno, da iz njega lahko nastane dobro in bogato vino. Zato želimo na proces, ko iz grozdja nastane vino, kar najmanj vplivati. Rezultat te ideje je vino živahne, zlato rumene barve, kompleksnih vonjav, krepkega in mineralnega okusa, bogatega telesa ter dolgega pookusa.
Zrelo in zdravo grozdje sort Chardonnay in Malvazija smo ročno obrali ter devet mesecev macerirali na jagodah v 500 literskih lesenih, rabljenih sodih Tonneau, kjer je potekla alkoholna fermentacija in biološki razkis. Po devetih mesecih maceracije pri nekontrolirani temperaturi je ob polni luni sledil prvi pretok v rabljene 500 litrske Tonneau sode, brez stiskanja grozdja. Vino je nato 16 mesecev zorelo v sodu na finih drožeh, pretoki in vsa dela mešanja (bâtonnage) so bila opravljena ob polni luni. Vino je bilo stekleničeno po principu prostega pada v oktobru leta 2017, brez filtracije in ob dodatku minimalne količine žvepla. Pri vretju smo uporabili le avtohtone kvasovke, vino ni bilo beljakovinsko čiščeno in ne stabilizirano na vinski kamen.
ATIMO je po svoji naravi motno vino, saj vsebuje usedlino finih kvasovk. Svetujemo vam, da steklenico pred odprtjem obrnete in tako dovolite, da se kvasovke premešajo z vinom. Priporočena temperatura serviranja je 12°C.
Prosta žveplasta kislina: 12 mg/l, pH: 3,67
Skupna kislina: 5,39 g/l, Hlapne kisline: 0,66 g/l
Alc.: 13,5% vol.
Polnitev: 400x 1,5l in 800x 0,75l
Zorelo in polnjeno na posestvu Valter Sirk, Višnjevik, Goriška Brda
Avtor vina Filip Koletnik
About the wine
Filip Koletnik follows a simple philosophy: He believes that the best things are natural. To him, the grape is perfect in itself and contains everything necessary for a good and full-bodied wine. Therefore, he wishes to influence the process of the grape becoming wine to the minimal possible extent.
The result of this idea is a lively, full-bodied wine of a gold yellow colour, with complex aromas, a strong and mineral flavour and long aftertaste.
After having manually picked the most mature and healthy grapes, grown in biodynamic vineyards, the grapes are macerated for up to nine months in used wooden 550-l Tonneau barrels whereby only indigenous yeasts are used. Subsequently, the wine is matured on lees in used oak barrels for a minimum of 12 months. The wine is bottled in free fall. ATIMO wines haven’t undergone heat or cold stabilisation, and they are neither fined not filtered. ATIMO is purposefully produced with fine lees kept in the bottle.
We suggest that you turn the bottle upside down before opening to enjoy the cloudy style of the wine. The recommended serving temperature is 12°C.
+386 41 755 953
ATIMO, Filipe Koletnik
Über den Wein
Filip Koletnik hat eine einfache Philosophie: Er glaubt, dass die besten Dinge natürlich sind. So ist die Traube an sich vollkommen und enthält alles, was für einen guten und gehaltvollen
Wein benötigt wird.Daher wird auf den Prozess der Weinentstehung so wenig wie möglich Einfluss genommen.
Das Ergebnis dieser Idee sind lebendige, gehaltvolle Weine von goldgelber Farbe und
komplexen Aromen, voller Mineralien, vollmundig und mit langem Abgang.
Die reifsten und gesündesten Trauben, gereift in biodynamisch gepflegten Weingärten, werden von Hand gelesen und bis zu neun Monate in gebrauchten 500l Tonneau Eichenfässern auf der Maische vergoren. Dabei werden ausschließlich autochtone Hefepilze verwendet. Danach reift der Wein mindestens 12 Monate auf der Feinhefe, ebenfalls in gebrauchten Eichenfässern. Die Abfüllung erfolgt nach dem Prinzip des freien Falls. ATIMO Weine sind weder geschönt, auf Weinstein stabilisiert noch filtriert. ATIMO ist von Natur her trüb, denn er enthält bewusst Spuren der Feinhefe.
Es ist wünschenswert, die Flasche vor dem Öffnen umzudrehen, um die Hefe mit dem Wein zu vermengen.
Die optimale Trinktemperatur liegt bei 12°C.
ATIMO ist von Natur her trüb, denn er enthält Spuren der Feinhefe. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Flasche vor dem Öffnen umzudrehen, um so die Feinhefe mit dem Wein zu vermengen. Die optimale Serviertemperatur liegt bei 12°C.
+386 41 755 953
ATIMO, Filipe Koletnik
Il nostro vino
La nostra filosofia è piuttosto elementare: crediamo che le cose migliori siano anche quelle pi semplici. Quindi per noi anche un solo grappolo è qualcosa di completo, che contiene tutto il necessario per produrre un vino ricco e gustoso. Per questo desideriamo intervenire il meno possibile nel processo di vinificazione. Il risultato di questa concezione è un vino di colore vivo, marrone dorato, dagli aromi complessi, dal sapore forte e minerale, corposo e dal retrogusto lungo.
L’uva matura e sana, delle variet Chardonnay e Malvasia, è stata raccolta a mano e poi lasciata macerare per nove mesi in vecchie botti tonneaux da 500 l, dove avvengono le fermentazioni alcolica e malolattica. Dopo nove mesi di macerazione a temperatura non controllata, alla luna piena successiva è stato effettuato il primo travaso in botti tonneau da 500 l, senza spremitura dell’uva. Il vino è stato lasciato maturare e affinare sulle fecce fini per i successivi sedici mesi e tutti i travasi e le operazioni di bâtonnage sono stati effettuati in presenza della luna piena. Il vino è stato imbottigliato con processo a caduta libera durante la luna piena di novembre 2017, senza filtraggio e con l’aggiunta di quantit minime di zolfo. Per la fermentazione sono stati utilizzati soltanto lieviti autoctoni, il vino non è stato purificato dalle proteine né stabilizzato con tartarico.
ATIMO per sua natura è un vino opaco perché contiene lieviti fini. Consigliamo di capovolgere la bottiglia prima dell’apertura in modo che i lieviti si mescolino al vino. Servire a temperatura di 12°C.
Solforosa libera: 12 mg/l, pH: 3,67
Acido totale: 5,39 g/l, acido volatile: 0,66 g/l
Alc.: 13,5% vol
400 bottiglie magnum da 1,5 l e 800 bottiglie da 0,75 l
Affinato e imbottigliato nella tenuta Valter Sirk, Višnjevik, Goriška Brda
Autore del vino: Filip Koletnik
O vinu
Naša je filozofija jednostavna: vjerujemo da su najbolje stvari one najjednostavnije. Tako vjerujemo i da je grozd potpun sam po sebi, te da sadrži sve što je potrebno da iz njega nastane dobro i bogato vino. Zbog toga se želimo što manje uplitati u proces samog nastajanja vina. Rezultat te ideje je vino živahne, zlatno žute boje, kompleksnih mirisa, krepkog mineralnog okusa, bogatog tijela, te dugoga aftertastea.
Zrelo i zdravo grožđe sorte Chardonnay i Malvazija smo ručno ubrali, te smo ga devet mjeseci macerirali na bobicama u 500 litarskimi rabljenimi drvenimi Tonneau bačvama, gdje se odvila alkoholna fermentacija s prirodnim kvascima i malolaktična fermentacija. Nakon devet mjeseca maceracije pri nekontroliranoj temperaturi, na puni mjesec, uslijedilo je pretakanje u rabljene 500 litarske Tonneau bačve, bez ikakvog stiskanja grožđa. Potom je vino 16 mjeseci dozrijevalo u bačvi na vlastitim kvascima, a pretakanja i sva miješanja (batonnage) su se vršila isključivo pri punom mjesecu. U studenom 2017, ponovno na puni mjesec, vino je bilo punjeno u boce po načelu slobodnog pada, bez filtracije, sa minimalnim dodatkom sumpora. Pri vrenju su upotrebljavani autohtoni kvasci, a vino nije čišćeno ni od bjelančevina, ni od kamenca.
Atimo je po svojoj prirodi mutno vino, koje sadrži kvasce. Savjetujemo Vam da prije otvaranja bocu okrenete naopako. Preporučena temperatura serviranja je 12°C.
Slobodni sulfiti: 132 mg/l, pH: 3,67
Ukupne kiseline: 5,39 g/l, Hlapne kiseline: 0,66 g/l
Alkohol: 13,5% vol
Punjenje: 888 boca magnum 1,5 l
Flaširano u podrumu Valter Sirk, Višnjevik, Goriška Brda
Avtor vina Filip Koletnik
Slovenian Wine: Atimo 2014 By Filip Koletnik
Hello! Welcome to As Drunk By Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature wines that are worth noting. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines can be from obscure or well-known wine regions. We hope that these wine recommendations will keep you gastronomically curious and your palate invigorated!
Atimo 2014 by Filip Koletnik
Filip Koletnik is crafting quirky, natural wines from grapes sourced from the Goriška Brda region in Slovenia. His production is small, bottling less than 1,000 magnums per year. Felipe doesn’t have his own vineyards nor his own cellar. He buys grapes from growers who farm organically. He also rents cellar space from a friend. We asked Filip why he chose to bottle Atimo only in magnums. “Because it’s the perfect amount of this type of wine for two people,” he answered with a smile. Filip recommends stirring up the sediment before drinking the wine to feel the full flavor. We are really fond of this approach to wines of this style. It reminds us of our time in Georgia, where winemakers make sure that sediment is mixed in with the wine properly before serving.The 2014 vintage is a blend of Chardonnay and Malvazija. It was fermented and macerated for nine months on lees in 500L barrels. After nine months, the skins are removed, the wine is racked and then aged for an additional 16 months in barrel. While this combination of grapes is nice, Felipe wants to move towards using Rebula instead of Chardonnay in future vintages.
This is a full-fledged minimal intervention wine. It’s light in body for an amber wine. Full of dandelion, grapefruit, lemon, and white grapes. Drinking this wine gives one the sensation of grapefruit juice. The tannins are low. The wine is unfined and unfiltered. It is juicy and goes great with food. The wine is easy drinking and has good energy but buyer beware… this is a hardcore natural wine and it’s not for everyone. The Atimo 2014 reminds us of the minimal intervention wines from Austria. Those who are familiar with this style will feel right at home.
- Cankarjeva ulica 6, 4000 Kranj SI - Slovenija